Optometry Services in Ames, IA

Smiling optometrician conducting an eye exam for a patient.

Our private optometry practice in Ames, IA serves individuals and families with a comprehensive range of ocular health and optometric services. Our team of optometrists, opticians, and support staff are dedicated to providing each patient with effective and comfortable care and services. To ensure every patient receives the care they deserve, our team is trained in the latest optometric technology and techniques. We focus on creating personalized treatment plans to help patients achieve and maintain great eye health.

We are proud to be a family-friendly practice serving patients from across the Greater Ames Area. We operate out of two locations. For more information about our location in Des Moines, please visit the Des Moines Eye Care website. Also, if you’d like to know more about us, take a look at some of our reviews!

We offer a full range of optometric services and treatments for conditions including:

  Comprehensive Eye Exams

An important part of maintaining great eye health is scheduling regular eye exams. Our eye exams are thorough and comprehensive. Regular exams help us identify any changes in your eyesight, as well as monitor existing conditions including myopia, glaucoma, and more. In addition, routine eye exam helps us determine your prescription and ensures you are maintaining your best eye health.

  Children’s Vision Care

Maintaining good eye health is important for a child’s development. Our staff and doctors work to help children feel welcome and comfortable in our practices. We have the skills, experience and gentle approach needed to help younger patients feel at ease during their appointments. We provide routine eye exams for diagnosis and treatment for common childhood vision issues like amblyopia (lazy eye). Our team is dedicated to helping children develop good eye health to last a lifetime.

  Contact Lens Services

Our optometrists are here for you whether you are curious about contact lenses or have been wearing them for years. We perform contact lens evaluations and prescription refills. Your evaluation will determine if you are a good candidate for contact lens use. If you are a good candidate, we will explain your options and begin the fitting process. For patients new to wearing contacts, we provide training on how to put your contacts in, take them out, and how to care for your new lenses. We provide contact lens services for patients of all ages.

  Computer Lenses

If you spend 1-2 hours, or more, in front of a computer during the day then you could be at risk of suffering from digital eye strain. Symptoms include fluctuating vision, tired eyes, dry eyes, headache, and fatigue. As well as neck, back, and shoulder pain. Both prescription and non-prescription computer glasses can offer immediate relief.

  Retinal Imaging

This type of diagnostic exam uses light waves to take a cross section image of your retina. This test allows your doctor to measure the thickness of each of the retina layers, as well as the optic nerve. These measurements are used to diagnose and treat retinal diseases and glaucoma.

  Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye is a common condition caused by insufficient lubrication for the ocular surface. Millions of people suffer from this condition. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as poor quality of tears, your eyes not producing enough tears, and increased tear evaporation. In addition, certain medications can cause dry eye. Over-the-counter eyedrops may be enough to help with mild dry eye symptoms, in some cases. For patients with more serious symptoms, you and your doctor will discuss the available options including prescription eye drops.


Latisse is a potential solution if you are looking to thicken, lengthen, and darken your natural lashes. This is an FDA approved and clinically proven eye gel designed to strengthen your lashes from the inside out. It does not provide instantaneous results; most patients see results in about 4 weeks. The medication is applied by brushing the gel onto the base of your existing eyelashes. The maximum effect happens after about 16 weeks of consistent use.

  Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Consultation

Eyelid surgery can correct common problems that affect your appearance, cause discomfort and limit your vision. These conditions include eyelid positioning, droopy eyelids, and excess eyelid skin. Eyelid surgery can help you look more refreshed, in addition to improving your vision. During your consultation, we will discuss if this procedure is right for you.

  Lasik Vision Correction

This is the most popular refractive laser procedure in the United States. It is used to correct a range of vision problems including nearsightedness, astigmatism, and hyperopia. By reshaping the cornea, LASIK is designed to reduce a patient’s dependency on prescription glasses and contact lenses. The procedure is virtually painless and is completed in a short period of time.

If you would like to receive more information or have questions regarding this procedure, please ask your doctor after you have completed your eye exam. Together, we will determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. We will provide you with the information you need to understand the procedure and what it entails.

  Macular Degeneration

The macula is the part of the eye that controls the central field vision. When the macula is damaged, it reduces the central vision, while the peripheral vision remains the same. This condition is often unnoticeable in its early stages, and it generally progresses over time. As it develops, it causes vision loss and makes it harder to see fine details such as small print. It can also make some images appear as if parts of them are missing.


As a cataract forms, the lens within the eyes becomes cloudy. This causes distorted and blurry vision. In some cases, it can cause double vision. A cataract also prevents light from passing through to the retina. Cataracts are more likely to develop as we age, as the lens in the eye begins to harden and become cloudy. Smoking, blood pressure, diabetes, eye injuries, certain medications, and kidney disease are some of the factors that can contribute to cataracts developing.

If you have cataracts, we will discuss the treatment plans. Our goal is to slow the cataract progression. If surgical correction is the best solution, we will work with you to explore this treatment option. We provide both pre- and post-operative cataract care.


Glaucoma usually develops over the course of many years and does not cause any pain. It is an eye disease that affects the optic nerve, causing the progressive loss of fibers due to the rise in pressure inside of the eyes. The optic nerve serves as the cable between the brain and the eye. Symptoms for this disease worsen over time and are very subtle. It can result in blindness, a loss of peripheral vision, and an inability to adjust the eyes to darkened rooms.

Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to preventing complete vision loss (as in total blindness). Together with you, our staff will work to preserve your vision and explore the available treatment options and care.

For more information about our eye health services and treatments, please contact us today at (515) 232-3451. We look forward to hearing from you!